MoLib's Universal Search can search and retrieve all secondary sources in the Library's collection. Filter your search by format (peer-reviewed article or book, for example), publication date, or subject. Click the material title or green full text online button to access the resource.
American Studies databases are collections of primary and secondary sources covering topics related to U.S. history and culture. The benefits of searching directly in a database versus a search engine like Google is that the materials are already vetted for relevance, directly accessible through the Library, and there are often browsing features available.
The databases and journals below are great places to find background journal articles.
Once you locate items of interest such as ebooks and articles, you may find it useful to search by subject headings or categories.
Use Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT to tell the search engine exactly what you're looking for.
Using AND: United States AND U.S.
Using OR: medical OR scientific experimentation
Using NOT: Black history NOT slavery